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Web 3.0

Also known as the decentralized web, Web 3.0 is the third version of the Internet, which is an improvement over the current Web 2.0 Internet. Additionally, Web 3.0 is believed to be more user-specific, which will ensure data security and privacy while avoiding the risk of Internet hacking.
How can businesses catch the WEB 3.0 wave?
Web 3.0 promises to have a dramatic effect on users and businesses. It will change the way people work and play, how companies use the information to market and sell their products, and how they manage their businesses. The fundamental evolution of
What is Web 3.0 and why it matters
The next internet revolution is in the works, and it intends to give users more control over digital content. Web 3.0, which will be based on blockchain (the technology that underpins bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies)


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