NFT Generator Blog

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The Future of NFTs: where is the market heading?
NFTs have become a very popular phenomenon across industries and professions, and a wide range of people, from visual artists to musicians, have earned larger sums of money from buying and selling them. The NFT market is robust developing...
Make money on fiverr with nfts
how Fiverr sellers can take advantage of the hype to make money with NFTs, both as Fiverr sellers and as entrepreneurs selling their own on marketplaces like OpenSea or SuperRare. I think there's a great opportunity to cash in on the hype. So if You
TOP 5 NFT Marketplaces for creators to sell NFTs
An NFT marketplace is a blockchain-based online platform to sell and buy non-fungible tokens (NFTs). The popularity of NFT marketplaces consistently grows fueled by skyrocketing prices for NFTs
6 essential tools you need as an NFT creator
Every NFT creator needs a collection of tools and apps to create and mint his NFT project, these tools can help you start and sell your own NFT collection by Creating images, generating NFTs, minting them, and promoting them for sale.
how to find the best utility for your NFTs projects: Utility examples, and how to create your own one.
Launching your own NFTs project is not just about creating randomized NFTs and minting them on marketplaces for sale, it’s much more than this. A good project will need to market what it offers aside from the NFT
How to promote your NFTs project on social media
The NFT industry is booming all over the globe, and NFT creation is on the rise. Whether you’re an NFT artist or have NFT art you’d like to trade, you need to generate attention and awareness for your NFT.
How to Promote your NFT Collection:
NFT marketing is one of the most important things you should take care of in your NFT project, in this post we will present to you the most effective ways to promote your NFTs ad drops.
THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR NFTs: create and sell your NFTs
You've certainly heard about the recent NFT (non-fungible token) hype. Celebrities, digital artists, and creatives are all gearing up to put their artwork on the blockchain. From domains to paintings, songs, and even collectible NBA trading cards,
How can businesses catch the WEB 3.0 wave?
Web 3.0 promises to have a dramatic effect on users and businesses. It will change the way people work and play, how companies use the information to market and sell their products, and how they manage their businesses. The fundamental evolution of
Genfty - NFT art generator
This is your chance to become a millionaire!  But the question is do you have the skills to design your artworks by yourself and do the code part to generate them and then sell them on opensea?
The ultimate NFTs and web3.0 glossary
What are the key terms to know in NFTs and Web3, the internet of things, cryptocurrencies and much more terms and technologies are now the trend
Understand more about Non-fungible tokens (NFTs)
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are cryptographic belongings on a blockchain with special a unique identification code and metadata that distinguishes it from every other.
Defi Vs Cefi: what’s the difference?
CeFi (Centralized Finance) has been around since the time Bitcoin first emerged. However, a new trend has come into view in the form of DeFi (Decentralized Finance), which has garnered a lot of attention over the last year.
What is IPFS and how does it work?
While you’re navigating on the web ad reading about metaverse, NFTs, or web 3.0 you must have heard about IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) well after reading this article you will know everything you need about IPFS and how does it work.
Top 7 NFT Collections you should know about: Some of the Most Popular NFT projects
2021 has been the year of new technologies and the announcement of the metaverse, it was also the year of NFTs since everyone is now talking about Non-Fungible Tokens of all shapes and sizes has flooded the market, taking advantage of blockchain to
Best NFT Generator Free Online
With The Best Free NFT Art Generator Online You Don't Need Any Software, Coding Skills or Github Repos, All Will Done With Only Clicks.
How to generate your own 10000 NFTs collection for free
You've certainly heard about NFTs and you want to know more about them and to Generate your own 10,000 NFTs collection, this post is for you...
How to add Polygon Test Network to MetaMask
Before you get to use our app on Polygon with real funds, we’ve deployed our app on Mumbai Testnet to allow you to explore Pods’ app in Polygon Testnet space.
What is Web 3.0 and why it matters
The next internet revolution is in the works, and it intends to give users more control over digital content. Web 3.0, which will be based on blockchain (the technology that underpins bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies)

Also known as the decentralized web, Web 3.0 is the third version of the Internet, which is an improvement over the current Web 2.0 Internet. Additionally, Web 3.0 is believed to be more user-specific, which will ensure data security and privacy while avoiding the risk of Internet hacking.

A metaverse is a network of 3D virtual worlds focused on social connection. In futurism and science fiction, the term is often described as a hypothetical iteration of the Internet as a single, universal virtual world that is facilitated by the use of virtual and augmented reality headsets.

Decentralized finance (commonly referred to as DeFi) is a blockchain-based form of finance that does not rely on central financial intermediaries such as brokerages, exchanges, or banks to offer traditional financial instruments

A cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that is secured by cryptography, which makes it nearly impossible to counterfeit or double-spend. Many cryptocurrencies are decentralized networks based on blockchain technology

NFTs allow you to buy and sell ownership of unique digital items and keep track of who owns them using the blockchain


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